Can I use my teams' userid and password from previous year(s).
For security and privacy reasons, this is not possible. You have to register Your team again and will receive a confirmation e-mail.

Is it possible to register our team more than once?
No. A team and its name will be accepted only once. Duplicates will be removed within 24 hours.

Is there a 'hurry' to register?
No. You can register at Your own convenience from January 7th, 16:00 hrs CET onwards. Clubs can register a maximum of 25 judoka's. There is no initial limit on the total tournament participants.

I did not receive my confirmation e-mail after registering our team
Check once again Your inbox. Transmission of the confirmation e-mail might take some minutes. Check also Your mail-spam-box. Your spam filter might have moved our confirmation e-mail to this box.
Tip: If the latter is the case, please move the confirmation e-mail from the mail-spam-box to Your regular inbox. Failed to do so might cause future messages from us to go into Your spam-box as Your spamfilters might continue to block our e-mails.
Contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. if You continue to have registration problems.

How many judoka's can my team register?
Your team can register up to 25 judoka's. If there is a requirement for more judoka's (e.g. because You want to use our Tournament for National Selections/Qualifications or end-of-season event), Please mail us (This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.) and state Your requirement.

What happens if I register more than 25 judoka's without approval?
Excess of registered judoka's will be added to our Reservelist.

Is it possible to register a judoka to more than one category?
No, A judoka can be registered once and to one category only.

How to register 'wildcard' judoka's?
Wildcard judoka's are current national pricewinners (1, 2 and 3rd places) or, category winners (1st only) during our previous tournament.
Wildcards can be claimed whilst registering the judoka's.
Wildcard places are provided on top of the teams' maximum (initially 25).
Whilst registering Your wildcard, You need to confirm the reason for the wildcard. Wildcard claims without proper motivation will be removed as such.


Can I change judoka data after registration?
Yes, teams can change online their data (add, change, delete) of registered judoka's till one week prior to the Tournament

What happens to registered judoka's on the Reservelist?
In excess registered judoka's will be registered to the Reservelist. The tournament organization can allocate judka's from the Reservelist to the Mainlist as space becomes available. Involved Clubs/Teams will be informed by e-mail.

Can I migrate judoka's between Main and Reservelist?
Yes You can, as long as the transfer of judoka's does not exceed the maximum allocated places to your team (initially 25 judoka's/team).


When are we informed regarding the exact allocated amount of judoka's?
The tournament organization will decide the size of the tournament in the second week of May.
Clubs will receive an e-mail stating the maximum allocated places n.l.t. May 15th.

How many games does a judoka play at least?
Although it is a huge tournament, each judoka plays at least two games. A poule with 6 or less judoka's will play 'round-robin': each judoka plays all the others:
From 7 judoka's upwards, games will be played in normal judo tournament configuration with double repechage.


When do we need to pay our teams' Tournament fee?
Your tournament fee should be paid by May 31th. 2025 on our account
Bank account no.: NL51 RABO 0132426447 BIC: RABONL2U
attn:: Judovereniging Venray
Bank details: RABO BANK VENRAY, Schouwburgplein 13, 5801 BV Venray, The Netherlands
Stating Your team registrationnumber; e.g.: 'JudoTournament Venray, team id: ###'
A preliminary bill is available (once logged in)  under [Documents] ==> [My Bill].

Coachcards and Weighing tickets
Coachcards will be provided to teams per day based on the amount of participating judoka's/day.
a. 1 judoka/day = No free coachcard; You can buy one coachcard for the involved day: € 5.00;
b. 2 - 5 judoka's/day = 1 Coachcard free of charge;
c. 6 - 13 judoka's/day = 2 Coachcards free of charge;
d. 14 - 16 judoka's/day = 3 Coachcards free of charge;
e. 17 or more judoka's/day = 4 Coachcards free of charge;
You can not buy additional coachcards.
Coachcards as well as weighing tickets can be collected by the coaches at the entrance of the tournament hall. 

Visitorstickets are available at € 5.00 per day at the entrance of the Tournament hall.
Visitors can use the stands in both halls and transfer between the halls. A vistorticket however does not allow the holder to be at the tatami's.
This is reserved for coaches, only with a valid Coachcard and wristband.


Weighing timings will be published in our programm.
The programm with weighing- and gametimings will be published two weeks prior to our Tournament and also send to Your club/team.
For planning purposes: Except from the usual pre game weighing on the game days (from 07:30 hrs. onwards), there will be a weighing possibility on Friday (20 June 2025, 16:00 - 20:00 hrs.) for judoka's who participate on Saturday only (U10, U12, U15 and Seniors).
For judoka's who are planned to participate on Sunday: there is already a weighing possibility on Saturday (21 June 2025, 16:00 - 19:00 hrs.).

Judoka's are required to produce a legitimate ID at with picture at the weighing. Digital versions are not allowed as they can not be verified.
Nation Judo Association ID's are OK; EJU or IJF id's are optional.

Check also our invitation before contacting us with Your queries.

In doubt? Do contact us.

About us

Judo Venray is a 120 member judoclub in de the South of The Netherlands. For the 50th. consecutive time we organize an international well known Tournament. Feel free to participate and register Your club (from January onwards).